Shipments arriving without the original Certificate of Origin and original invoice will be seized by customs until both original documents can be submitted. If not received, Kuwait customs will not release the shipment and it will be RTS'd.
Goods destined for U.S. Air Force installations do not require a Certificate of Origin, regardless of value.
It is not required for all, however shipments can be held by local authority in United Arab Emirates after screening due to lack of MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) or NON DG (Dangerous Goods) declaration letter from the shipper resulting to misconnections and impacting end-to-end service.
It would be advisable for all shipments originating, transiting and terminating for UAE to have MSDS or NON DG declaration from shipper enclosed in the shipment and copies to be uploaded in IDIS.
If the quantity of pieces inside a shipment is above 20 pieces, these will not be considered as express shipments, but will still be considered as a commercial shipment. This shipment will be held up and will take 3 to 4 days to clear, provided the consignee can provide all the valid import documents and the necessary approvals from the ministry.
The quantity of each shipment being held up has to be physically counted and advised to the Customs Auditors.
The importer must provide additional documents for shipments held by customs:
Important Note: Shipments addressed to a P.O. Box are excluded from the UPS International guarantee regardless of the payer. A delay in delivery may occur due to the need for the consignee's physical address in order to complete delivery.
There are special stipulations on the following commodities when shipping to Kuwait. If you plan to ship one of the commodities listed below, be sure to adhere to the following stipulations in order to avoid delays and holds at customs.
Shipments of medicine require approval from the Ministry of Health. The consignee must obtain the approval and provide it to customs. If the consignee fails to provide the approval within five days or if the Ministry of Health requests the shipment for physical inspection, the shipments will be transferred to the Ministry of Health by the customs authorities. In both cases it is the consignees obligation to collect the shipment at the Ministry if it is finally released for importation. Delays may occur.
Please see additional information on food supplements.
Shipments of food supplements and nutritional supplements with physiological effects, typically used by body builders and athletes cannot be imported by private individuals or companies. The only authorized importer is the company Genoa General Trading Company. Shipments of these types of food supplements or nutritional supplements destined to importers other than Genoa must be returned or abandoned.
Nutritional supplements can be classified as medicine. Please see 'medicine' for more information.
The invoices must be typed on company letterhead,signed/stamped in blue ink and contain the following information:
Shipments of documents do not require an invoice.
The consignee's telephone number, mobile number and email address, if available, should appear on the invoice. Any handwritten invoices will be forwarded to a Customs hold cage which will result in lengthy and complicated release procedures and delays.
The destination country or territory considers the following items document shipments. If criteria are listed, the shipment must meet those criteria to be considered a document shipment.
Event tickets coming from a printing company and sent to the organizer of the event or ticket sales offices can not be sent as documents.
In addition to the prohibited commodities listed here, it is prohibited to ship the following commodities to Kuwait.
Bodybuilding supplements comes directly under the control of customs, if any approvals or testing is required it is given to the Ministry Of Health for further investigation.
Private individuals cannot apply for such licenses therefore, only licensed companies are allowed to import bodybuilding supplements.
Original documentation,Approvals From the Chamber of Commerce, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Environment and Import license is required to import into Kuwait.
Jewelry that is below 14 karats is prohibited and will be seized by the Ministry
Alternative arrangements are in place, but expect transit delays if the normal planned flow of the package is via Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Time in Transit may be extended due to solution found.
Shipments of medicine require approval from the Ministry of Health. The consignee must obtain the approval and provide it to customs. If the consignee fails to provide the approval within five days or if the Ministry of Health requests the shipment for physical inspection, the shipment will be transferred to the Ministry of Health by the customs authorities. In both cases, it is the consignees obligation to collect the shipment at the Ministry if its finally released for importation. Delays may occur.
Shipments of medicine addressed to private individuals require a temporary import license, a prescription from doctor (med.) and an approval from the Ministry of Health. The documents must be available prior to shipping. Copies of these documents should be part of the shipping documents.
Kuwait does not have a temperature controlled facility, therefore medicine that requires a temperature controlled storage should not be accepted for shipping to Kuwait.
When arriving in Kuwait, the shipments are transferred to the Ministry of Health where the consignee must have customs clear the shipments based on the above mentioned documents. After clearance the consignee can pick up the commodities. The clearance of these types of commodities takes up to 8 days. Nutritional supplements can be classified as medicine. Please see additional information under 'food supplements'.
Shipments destined to importers other than Genoa must be returned or abandoned.
Saturday Delivery Available: Yes
Not available in all areas. Always check the international time in transit system for details of service availability within a country or territory.
Always check Calculate Time and Cost for details of service availability and guarantee information within a country or territory. All Service Levels may not be available to or from every address within a country or territory.
All military shipments to Kuwait must have the following information on the UPS waybill and invoice:
In order to accelerate the clearance process, the origin site should pre-alert UPS Kuwait before the shipment is exported. Once UPS Kuwait receives the pre-alert, the operations department will prepare the request form for the standard customs clearance letter and will forward it to the US Air Force and all the US Military Departments at the camp/base who are awaiting the shipment. Once the clearance letter is signed by the consignee, it will be submitted to the Host Nation Department at Arifjan Camp for verification and signature of the CNO Director. The Host Nation Department at Camp Arifjan will verify, sign and forward the same to the director's office of Kuwait Head Customs.
These formalities normally take approximately 4 to 5 working days (Thursdays and Fridays are non working days for the government in Kuwait).
Convert metric quantity for weight, length, and area.