It is not required for all, however shipments can be held by local authority in United Arab Emirates after screening due to lack of MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) or NON DG (Dangerous Goods) declaration letter from the shipper resulting to misconnections and impacting end-to-end service.
It would be advisable for all shipments originating, transiting and terminating for UAE to have MSDS or NON DG declaration from shipper enclosed in the shipment and copies to be uploaded in IDIS.
Shipments sent to a person must have the consignee's National ID (Cedula) number provided on the commercial invoice. Non compliance with this request will result in significant delays, due to the many bureaucratic steps that will be required to correct the situation within the Dominican Customs system.
Non-document shipments to the Dominican Republic must include 1 original and 2 copies of a commercial invoice. Failure to include an original invoice will result in Customs delays and penalty fees. Include the consignee's name and telephone number to ensure timely delivery
There are special stipulations on the following commodities when shipping to Dominican Republic. If you plan to ship one of the commodities listed below, be sure to adhere to the following stipulations in order to avoid delays and holds at customs.
All signed checks less than US $10,000 can usually come as documents and dispatched.
Checks above US$ 10,000 should come in declared and in the AWB description fill out the amount, the sender and whom it is addressed to. These checks are subject to retention by customs if they choose to detain.
Please note that Customs inspect them and could be seized.
If the product is for commercial purposes (samples, etc.) then the consignee must have it registered with the Dominican Republic Health Department and once registered, the commercial invoice must be stamped by the Dominican Republic Health Department so that Customs will authorize the release.
There are no gift exemptions for this destination country or territory. All goods going into Dominican Republic are subject to the normal duty and tax rates. Customer must declare the real value of merchandise
Dominican Customs has advised all carriers that "Proforma" type of invoices such as those generated by Worldship have never been acceptable and are still not acceptable for import purposes and shipments not complying with the requirement of a detailed original commercial invoice will be held until a proper commercial invoice is presented for clearance and that if the shipment is not cleared in accordance to the required time it will incur into delay and thus into "Mora" penalties. Shipments to a person must have the consignees' National ID (Cedula) number provided on the commercial invoice.
Penalties, due to delay, will be passed onto the consignee or shipper depending on the circumstances. Non compliance with this request will result in significant delays, due to the many bureaucratic steps that will be required to correct the situation within the Dominican Customs system.
The destination country or territory considers the following items document shipments. If criteria are listed, the shipment must meet those criteria to be considered a document shipment.
In addition to the prohibited commodities listed here, it is prohibited to ship the following commodities to Dominican Republic.
Any used electro domestic arriving on or after July 30, 2010, will be returned to the shipper at the expense of the shipper or be seized by Customs. No exceptions will be allowed.
The Invoice must specify the country or territory of origin
Process and cost not included in the freight.
Customs special paperwork processing - US$46.00
Custodial guard service to transport paperwork and goods - US$9.00
Customs inspector - US$18.00
Customs verifier - US$3.00
Broker - US$65.00
Customs additional charge for services after 17:00 - US$6.00/hour
Saturday Delivery Available: No
Always check Calculate Time and Cost for details of service availability and guarantee information within a country or territory. All Service Levels may not be available to or from every address within a country or territory.
Convert metric quantity for weight, length, and area.